Litter Abatement
Keep Nacogdoches Beautiful (KNB) is committed to assisting the community in beautification efforts, including litter abatement. As a volunteer-driven organization, we offer KNB branded litter bins to use during any gathering, free of charge. To reserve litter bins, submit your request using the form below at least 14 business days prior to the event. This will allow time for review and coordination of the pick up and drop off of the bins.
Are you hosting a large event? We appreciate your dedication to keeping the event litter free before, during, and after the event. Feel free to request litter bins to have at your event and dispose of your trash bags in the designated rolloff/dumpster determined by the City of Nacogdoches.
Here are a few items to consider when hosting an outdoor event in the community:
Secure litter bins. Where there are people, there will be litter. As a responsible steward of the space, collecting and hauling off litter generated at your event is part of it - KNB is pleased to offer litter bins free of charge. Request these bins at least 14 business days prior to your event by submitting your request online.
Secure trash bags. Did you know that the average person will generate almost 1 pound of trash at events where food is served? To be prepared, we recommend you have plenty of trash bags on hand to handle this amount of trash. KNB offers heavy duty, 2.5 mil trash bags for $1 each. If you want to supply your own bags, we suggest the following size and weight in order to help dispose of litter without creating more litter:
At least 60 gallons
At least 2 mil thickness
NOTE: If you’re borrowing a KNB litter bin, you are required to use a bag in the bin. Litter bins are made of corrugated cardboard and are reused many times - thank you for helping us reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Location of bins. We suggest placing litter bins every 30-50 feet apart so your guests have quick and convenient options for trash disposal.
Check bins frequently. As your event progresses, have at least 1 person dedicated to trash duty. Checking the bins frequently will help prevent overflow and reduce the weight of each bag when changed frequently.
Dispose of trash bags properly. Place bags of trash in designated dumpsters in order to allow for proper haul off and prevent critters from rummaging through the bags.
Return KNB trash bins.
NOTE: A fee will be assessed for each bin that is not returned or determined to be unusable due to misuse or carelessness.
Thank you for keeping Nacogdoches beautiful!
Are you using a city facility? Make sure to complete a special event permit through the Convention and Visitors Bureau website.